Valid Value List
SW3015A Microwave-Assisted Acid Digestion of Aqueous Samples and Extracts SW3015A.pdf
SW3020 HISTORICAL: Digestion for Total Metals for Furnace AA
SW3020A Acid Digest. of Aqueous Samples/Extracts for Total Metals GFAA SW3020A.pdf
SW3040 Dissolution Procedure for Oils, Greases, or Waxes
SW3050 HISTORICAL: Acid Digestion of Sediments, Sludges, and Soils
SW3050A HISTORICAL: Acid Digestion of Sediments, Sludges, and Soils
SW3050B Acid Digestion of Sediments, Sludges, and Soils SW3050B.pdf
SW3051 Microwave-Assisted Acid Digestion of Soils and Sediments
SW3051A Microwave Assisted Acid Digestion of Sediments, Soils and Oils
SW3051M Modified SW-846, Method 3051 (Closed Vessel Oil Digestion)
SW3052 Microwave-Assisted Acid Digestion of Siliceous/Organic Matrices SW3052.pdf
SW3060 HISTORICAL: Alkaline Digestion of Soil and Solid Waste
SW3060A Alkaline Digestion for Hexavalent Chromium SW3060A.pdf
SW3500 HISTORICAL: Organic Extraction and Sample Preparation
SW3500A Organic Extraction and Sample Preparation
SW3510 HISTORICAL: Separatory Funnel Liquid-Liquid Extraction
SW3510A HISTORICAL: Separatory Funnel Liquid-Liquid Extraction
SW3510B HISTORICAL: Separatory Funnel Liquid-Liquid Extraction
SW3510C Separatory Funnel Liquid-Liquid Extraction SW3510C.pdf
SW3511 Organic Compounds in Water by Microextraction
SW3520 HISTORICAL: Continuous Liquid-Liquid Extraction
SW3520A HISTORICAL: Continuous Liquid-Liquid Extraction
SW3520B HISTORICAL: Continuous Liquid-Liquid Extraction
SW3520C Continuous Liquid-Liquid Extraction SW3520C.pdf
SW3535 Solid Phase Extraction (SPE)
SW3535A Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) SW3535A.pdf
SW3540 HISTORICAL: Soxhlet Extraction
SW3540A HISTORICAL: Soxhlet Extraction
SW3540B HISTORICAL: Soxhlet Extraction
SW3540C Soxhlet Extraction SW3540C.pdf
SW3541 Automated Soxhlet Extraction SW3541.pdf
SW3542 Extraction of Semivolatile Analytes Collected Using Method 0010 SW3542.pdf
SW3545 Pressurized Fluid Extraction
SW3545A Pressurized Fluid Extraction (PFE) SW3545A.pdf
SW3546 Microwave Extraction
SW3550 HISTORICAL: Sonication Extraction
SW3550A HISTORICAL: Ultrasonic Extraction
SW3550B Ultrasonic Extraction
SW3550C Ultrasonic Extraction SW3550C_0.pdf
SW3570 Microscale Solvent Extraction (MSE)
SW3580 HISTORICAL: Waste Dilution
SW3580A Waste Dilution SW3580A.pdf
SW3585 Waste Dilution for Volatile Organics SW3585.pdf
SW3630 Silica Gel Cleanup
SW3640A Gel-Permeation Cleanup SW3640A.pdf
SW3810 Headspace
SW5030 HISTORICAL: Purge-and-Trap
SW5030A HISTORICAL: Purge-and-Trap
SW5030B Purge-and-Trap for Aqueous Samples SW5030B.pdf
SW5030C Purge-and-Trap for Aqueous Samples
SW5031 Volatile,Nonpurgable, Water Soluable-Compounds-Azeotropic Distill SW5031.pdf
SW5035 Closed-System Purge-and-Trap/Extraction for Volatile Organics SW5035.pdf
SW5035A Closed-System Purge &Trap Ext. for Volatile Organics Soil &Waste
SW5040 Protocol for Analysis of Sorbent Cartridges from Volatile Organic
SW5050 Total Halogens as Chloride
SW7.3.3 Reactive Cyanide
SW7.3.4 Reactive Sulfide
SW7060 HISTORICAL: Arsenic
SW7060A Arsenic
SW7061 HISTORICAL: Arsenic
SW7061A Arsenic
SW7196A Chromium, Hexavalent (Colorimetric) SW7196A_0.pdf
SW7199 Chromium, Hexavalent (Ion Chromatography) SW7199_0.pdf
SW7470 HISTORICAL: Mercury
SW7470A Mercury SW7470A_0.pdf
SW7471 HISTORICAL: Mercury Preparation in Solid or Semisolid Waste
SW7471A Mercury Preparation in Solid or Semisolid Waste
SW7471B Mercury in Solid or Semisolid Waste (Manual Cold-Vapor Tech) SW7471B_0.pdf
SW7741 HISTORICAL: Selenium
SW7741A Selenium SW7741A.pdf
SW7742 Selenium SW7742_0.pdf
SW8151A Chlorinated Herbicides by GC SW8151A_0.pdf
SW824D SW8240(B) Direct Injection Technique
SW8280A Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins/Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans
SW8315A Determination of Carbonyl Compounds by HPLC
SW8321A Solvent Extractable Non-Volatile Compounds by HPLC, TS-MS or UV
SW9010B Total and Amenable Cyanide: Distillation
SW9030A Acid Soluble and Acid Insoluble Sulfides
SW9030B Acid-Soluble and Acid-Insoluble Sulfides: Distillation
SW9060 Total Organic Carbon (TOC)
SW9065 Phenolics (Spectrophotometric, Manual 4-AAP with Distillation)
SW9071 Oil and Grease Extraction Method for Sludge Samples
TCLP Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure
USGSF7 USGS Sample Filtration - Glass Fiber, 0.7 micron
VOCGCMS Volatile Organic Compounds by Purge&Trap GC/MS (EPA 624/SW8260B)
WET California Waste Extraction Test (WET)
WOS Water Extraction of Soils

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