Valid Value List
UD Diluted sample: method high range exceeded.
UE See field comment.
UF Counts outside acceptable range.
UG Sample lab preparation problem.
UH Value is highly variable by this method.
UI Below the LRL and above the LT-MDL.
UJ Result determined by alternate method.
UK Instrument sensitivity problem.
UL Analyte detected in laboratory blank.
UM Reviewed and accepted
UO Presumed satisfactory
UP Duplicate RPD exceeds limit with results < 5 x RL. Absolute difference is < RL. Data are valid.
UQ Sample analyzed by EPA 200.8 using a dynamic reaction cell.
UR This batch does not include a matrix spike for this parameter.
US Data valid based on matrix spike data generated using this sample.
UT Sample value was blank corrected.
UU Analyte value 20 times less than level determined in method blank.
UV Laboratory is not accredited for this parameter. Certification Issue.
UW Analyzed by ICP-MS DRC
UX Primarily compounds not found in typical Gasoline.
UY Reporting limits raised due to loss of instrument response.
UZ Lab Control Sample RPDs outside of limits for several compounds.
VA Val. Qual.: Refer to report assoc. w/ sampling event for details
VB Val. Qual.: Analyte present in the blank and the sample
VBX Val. Qual.: Sample stored at improper temperature
VBY Val. Qual.: Sample received at improper temperature
VC Val. Qual.: Calibration nonconformances
VCD Val. Qual.: Lab Control Sample dup. RPD outside of estab. limits
VCO Val. Qual.: Analyte conc. detectable, but <5x blank conc.
VCP Val. Qual.: Analyte conc. detectable, but <10x blank conc.
VCQ Val. Qual.: Analyte conc. >10x blank conc.
VCR Val. Qual.: Analyte conc. >5x blank conc.
VDT Val. Qual.: Diss. metal result > total, beyond stnd. meth. var.
VDX Val. Qual.: Value < lowest standard (MQL), but > than MDL
VDZ Val. Qual.: Positive result is atypical pattern for diesel anal.
VF Val. Qual.: Compound is common field contaminant
VFB Val. Qual.: Analyte detected in associated field blank
VFD Val. Qual.: Field duplicate RPD outside of established limits
VFLB Val. Qual.: Analyte detected in associated filter blank
VH Val. Qual.: Holding Time exceedence
VHB Val. Qual.: Result positively biased
VJ Val. Qual.: Estimated value
VL Val. Qual.: Compound is common lab contaminant
VLB Val. Qual.: Result negatively biased
VLH Val. Qual.: Lab control sample recoveries above estab. limits
VLL Val. Qual.: Lab control sample recoveries below estab. limits
VM Val. Qual.: Nonconformance due to matrix effects
VMB Val. Qual.: Analyte detected in associated method blank
VMD Val. Qual.: Matrix Spike dup. RPD outside of established limits
VMH Val. Qual.: Matrix spike recoveries above established limits
VML Val. Qual.: Matrix spike recoveries below established limits
VMS Val. Qual.: Lboratory did not achieve required method sensitity.
VN Val. Qual.: Identification of compound is tentative
VNB Val. Qual.: Result bias cannot be determined
VP Val. Qual.: Sample Chromat. pattern does not match calib. pattern
VPA Val. Qual.: Possible biogenic interference in detect. hydrocarbs.
VPH Val. Qual.: Post prep. spike recoveries above established limits
VPL Val. Qual.: Post prep. spike recoveries below established limits
VQ Val. Qual.: QA/QC protocols were not met
VQB Val. Qual.: QA/QC protocols not met for method blank
VQC Val. Qual.: QA/QC protocols not met for calibration
VQH Val. Qual.: QA/QC protocols not met for holding times
VQI Val. Qual.: QA/QC protocols not met for internal standard
VQL Val. Qual.: QA/QC protocols not met for lab control sample
VQM Val. Qual.: QA/QC protocols not met for matrix spike/spike dup.
VQN Val. Qual.: QC data does not exist (hist. data) or is unavailable
VQQ Val. Qual.: PQL approx. due to QC or matrix effects
VQS Val. Qual.: QA/QC protocols not met for surrogate recovery
VQT Val. Qual.: QA/QC protocols not met for instr.12-hr tuning crit.
VQU Val. Qual.: Non-detect above PQL; final result is now PQL
VR Val. Qual.: Rejected value
VRB Val. Qual.: Analyte detected in assoc. equipment rinsate blank
VRL Val. Qual.: The MQL is above the regulatory limit
VS Val. Qual.: Sample Receipt nonconformance
VSG Val. Qual.: A silica gel cleanup procedure was performed
VSH Val. Qual.: Surrogate recoveries above established limits
VSL Val. Qual.: Surrogate recoveries below established limits
VSR Val. Qual.: Semi-quantitative result
VTB Val. Qual.: Analyte detected in associated trip blank sample
VU Val. Qual.: Compound analyzed for but not detected
VUB Val. Qual.: Should be considered non-detect; final result now MDL
VUJ Val. Qual.: MDL and EQL may be biased low
VYA Val. Qual.: Independently validated - subject to revision
VYB Val. Qual.: Specific issue independ validated-subject to revision
VYC Val. Qual.: Not independ validated-subject to revision
WA Analytes would have been detected even with low recovery.
WB No detectable levels of analyte in samples.
WC Data accepted.
WD Positive result confirmed by a second detector.
WE Sample filtered immediately upon receipt by the laboratory.
WF Samples showed no detectable levels of analyte and were not subjected to silica gel procedure.
WG This batch does not include a LCS for this parameter.
WH Sample composited in laboratory at client request.
WI The CCV for these samples was within acceptance limits.
WJ LCS target analytes within acceptance limits.
WK Samples were received and filtered past official holdling time.
WL Cited ADHS licensed method does not contain this analyte as part of the method compound list.
WM Tentatively identified compound concentration is estimated and based on closest internal standard.
WN Target analyte was detected in the method blank at or above the reporting limit.
WO Background subtracted from the QC samples and the client's sample(s).

If you notice an error or omission in the valid value list or anywhere on this site, please contact us at help@edfhelpdesk.com - Thank you!