Valid Value List
UNITS Sort ascending NAME
MW/CM2 MilliWatt per square centimeter
MW Molecular Weight
MTON Metric Tons
MRY Millirems per year
MPN/ML Most Probable Number per milliliter
MPN/G Most Probable Number per gram
MPN/10G Most Probable Number per 10 gram
MPN/100ML Most Probable Number per 100 milliliters
MPN/100G Most Probable Number per 100 gram
MPH Miles per hour
MON Month
MOL % Mole percent
MMHOS/CM Millimhos (MMHOS) per centimeter
MMHG Millimeters of mercury
MM/YR Millimeter per year
MM/S Millimeters per second
MM/M2/HR Millimeter per meter squared per hour
MM Millimeter
ML/L/HR Milliliter per liter per hour
ML/L Milliliter per liter
ML/100G Milliliter per 100 grams
ML Milliliter
MJ/CM2 Millijoule per centimeter squared
MIN Minutes
MILTIME Military Time
MILS/CM Millisiemens per centimeter
MILL FT3 Million feet cubed
MILE2 Square miles
MGY Millions of gallons per year
MGPHEN/L Milligrams of phenol per liter
MGM Millions of gallons per month
MGLASMW320 mg/L LAS MW 320
MGDO/L Milligrams dissolved oxygen per liter
MGD Millions of gallons per day
MGCACO3/L Milligrams of calcium carbonate per liter
MGCACO3/KG Milligrams of calcium carbonate per kilogram
MGAL Million gallons
MG/WIPE Milligrams per Wipe
MG/ML Milligrams per milliliter
MG/M3 Milligrams per cubic meter (PPBV)
MG/M2/DAY Milligrams per meter squared per day
MG/M2 Milligrams per square meter
MG/L Milligrams per liter
MG/KG Milligrams per kilogram
MG/G Milligrams per gram
MG/FLT Milligrams per filter
MG/DAY Milligrams per day
MG/CM2 Milligrams per centimeter squared
MG-MIN/L Milligram-minutes per liter
MG Milligrams
MFL Millions of Fibers per Liter
MEQ/L Milliequivalents per liter
MEQ/KG Milliequivalents per kilogram
MEQ/G Milliequivalents per gram
MEQ/100G Milliequivalents per 100 grams
MD Millidarcy
MBAR Millibar
M3/S Meter cubed per second
M3/KG Meter cubed per kilogram
M3 X 10(6) Meter cubed (in millions)
M2/S Meter squared per second
M2 Meter squared
M/S Meter per second
M Meter
LBS/YR Pounds per year
LBS/MON Pounds per month
LBS/DAY Pounds per day
LBS Pounds
LB/TON Pounds per ton
LB/IN2 Pounds per square inch
LB/BARREL Pound per barrel
LB/1000LB Pounds per thousand pounds
LAIU Langelier Index Units
L/DAY Liters per day
L Liter
KM2 Square kilometers
KG/YR Kilograms per year
KG/S Kilogram per second
KG/MO Kilograms per month
KG/M3/S Kilogram per meter cubed per second
KG/M3 Kilogram per meter cubed
KG/L Kilograms per liter
KG/DAY Kilograms per day
KG/BATCH Kilograms per batch
KG/1000GAL Kilograms per 1000 gallons
JTU Jackson Turbidity Units
JCU Jackson Candle Units
ISU Ionic Strength Unit
IN3 Cubic inches
IN2/FT Square inches per foot
IN/WK Inches per week
IN/IN Inches per inch
IN/HR Inches per hour
IN/FT Inches per foot
IN/DAY Inches per day
IN(W) Inches of water

If you notice an error or omission in the valid value list or anywhere on this site, please contact us at help@edfhelpdesk.com - Thank you!