Valid Value List
UNITS NAME Sort descending
KG/MO Kilograms per month
KG/YR Kilograms per year
LAIU Langelier Index Units
L Liter
L/DAY Liters per day
M Meter
M3 X 10(6) Meter cubed (in millions)
M3/KG Meter cubed per kilogram
M3/S Meter cubed per second
M/S Meter per second
M2 Meter squared
M2/S Meter squared per second
MTON Metric Tons
T/DAY Metric tons per day
MGLASMW320 mg/L LAS MW 320
ULBS/DAY Micro pounds/day
UG Micrograms
UGCACO3/L Micrograms of calcium carbonate per liter
UG/100CM2 Micrograms per 100 square centimeters
UG/CM2 Micrograms per centimeter squared
UG/M3 Micrograms per cubic meter
UG/DAY Micrograms per day
UG/G Micrograms per gram
UG/KG Micrograms per kilogram
UG/L Micrograms per liter
UG/UL Micrograms per microliter
UG/MG Micrograms per milligram
UG/ML Micrograms per milliliter
UG/SAMPLE Micrograms per total air sample taken
UG/WIPE Micrograms per wipe
UG/YR Micrograms per year
UL Microliter
UL/L Microliter per liter
UMHOS Micromhos
UMHOS/CM Micromhos (UMHOS) per centimeter
UMOLES/G Micromoles per gram
UMOLES/L Micromoles per liter
US/CM Microsiemens per centimeter
US/M Microsiemens per meter
MPH Miles per hour
MILTIME Military Time
MBAR Millibar
MD Millidarcy
MEQ/100G Milliequivalents per 100 grams
MEQ/G Milliequivalents per gram
MEQ/KG Milliequivalents per kilogram
MEQ/L Milliequivalents per liter
MG-MIN/L Milligram-minutes per liter
MG Milligrams
MGDO/L Milligrams dissolved oxygen per liter
MGCACO3/KG Milligrams of calcium carbonate per kilogram
MGCACO3/L Milligrams of calcium carbonate per liter
MGPHEN/L Milligrams of phenol per liter
MG/CM2 Milligrams per centimeter squared
MG/M3 Milligrams per cubic meter (PPBV)
MG/DAY Milligrams per day
MG/FLT Milligrams per filter
MG/G Milligrams per gram
MG/KG Milligrams per kilogram
MG/L Milligrams per liter
MG/M2/DAY Milligrams per meter squared per day
MG/ML Milligrams per milliliter
MG/M2 Milligrams per square meter
MG/WIPE Milligrams per Wipe
MJ/CM2 Millijoule per centimeter squared
ML Milliliter
ML/100G Milliliter per 100 grams
ML/L Milliliter per liter
ML/L/HR Milliliter per liter per hour
MM Millimeter
MM/M2/HR Millimeter per meter squared per hour
MM/YR Millimeter per year
MMHG Millimeters of mercury
MM/S Millimeters per second
MMHOS/CM Millimhos (MMHOS) per centimeter
MILL FT3 Million feet cubed
MGAL Million gallons
MFL Millions of Fibers per Liter
MGD Millions of gallons per day
MGM Millions of gallons per month
MGY Millions of gallons per year
MRY Millirems per year
MILS/CM Millisiemens per centimeter
MW/CM2 MilliWatt per square centimeter
MWS/CM2 Milliwatt second per centimeter squared
MIN Minutes
MOL % Mole percent
MW Molecular Weight
MON Month
MPN/10G Most Probable Number per 10 gram
MPN/100G Most Probable Number per 100 gram
MPN/100ML Most Probable Number per 100 milliliters
MPN/G Most Probable Number per gram
MPN/ML Most Probable Number per milliliter
NG Nanogram
NG/CC Nanogram per cubic centimeter

If you notice an error or omission in the valid value list or anywhere on this site, please contact us at help@edfhelpdesk.com - Thank you!