Valid Value List
LNOTE Sort ascending NAME
VLB Val. Qual.: Result negatively biased
VL Val. Qual.: Compound is common lab contaminant
VJ Val. Qual.: Estimated value
VHB Val. Qual.: Result positively biased
VH Val. Qual.: Holding Time exceedence
VFLB Val. Qual.: Analyte detected in associated filter blank
VFD Val. Qual.: Field duplicate RPD outside of established limits
VFB Val. Qual.: Analyte detected in associated field blank
VF Val. Qual.: Compound is common field contaminant
VDZ Val. Qual.: Positive result is atypical pattern for diesel anal.
VDX Val. Qual.: Value < lowest standard (MQL), but > than MDL
VDT Val. Qual.: Diss. metal result > total, beyond stnd. meth. var.
VCR Val. Qual.: Analyte conc. >5x blank conc.
VCQ Val. Qual.: Analyte conc. >10x blank conc.
VCP Val. Qual.: Analyte conc. detectable, but <10x blank conc.
VCO Val. Qual.: Analyte conc. detectable, but <5x blank conc.
VCD Val. Qual.: Lab Control Sample dup. RPD outside of estab. limits
VC Val. Qual.: Calibration nonconformances
VBY Val. Qual.: Sample received at improper temperature
VBX Val. Qual.: Sample stored at improper temperature
VB Val. Qual.: Analyte present in the blank and the sample
VA Val. Qual.: Refer to report assoc. w/ sampling event for details
UZ Lab Control Sample RPDs outside of limits for several compounds.
UY Reporting limits raised due to loss of instrument response.
UX Primarily compounds not found in typical Gasoline.
UW Analyzed by ICP-MS DRC
UV Laboratory is not accredited for this parameter. Certification Issue.
UU Analyte value 20 times less than level determined in method blank.
UT Sample value was blank corrected.
US Data valid based on matrix spike data generated using this sample.
UR This batch does not include a matrix spike for this parameter.
UQ Sample analyzed by EPA 200.8 using a dynamic reaction cell.
UP Duplicate RPD exceeds limit with results < 5 x RL. Absolute difference is < RL. Data are valid.
UO Presumed satisfactory
UM Reviewed and accepted
UL Analyte detected in laboratory blank.
UK Instrument sensitivity problem.
UJ Result determined by alternate method.
UI Below the LRL and above the LT-MDL.
UH Value is highly variable by this method.
UG Sample lab preparation problem.
UF Counts outside acceptable range.
UE See field comment.
UD Diluted sample: method high range exceeded.
UC Value extrapolated at low end.
UB Value affected by contamination.
UA Average.
U EPA Flag - Compound was analyzed for, but was not detected
TZ Carrier exceeds control limit.
TY Estimated due to discrepancies meeting analyte-specific QC criteria. Dual Column %Diff over limit.
TX LCSD recovery exceeds control limit.
TW LCS recovery exceeds control limit.
TV Sample was not taken due to high vacuum.
TO Value off the electronic scale of detector.
TJ Tracer exceeds control limit due to very low tracer value.
TH The sample minimum detectable concentration (MDC) is greater than the requested reporting limit (RL)
TG Ion Ratio outside of limits, value is estimated maximum possible concentration (EMPC).
TF The quantitation limit has been raised due to exhibited elevated noise or matrix interference.
TE Hydrocarbon reported does not match the pattern of Gasoline standard
TD Hydrocarbon reported does not match the pattern of Diesel standard
TC Total Weight Percent Adjusted
TB Conc. could not be determined due to high dissolved solids conc.
TA Sample container received with headspace.
T5 <100g avail for TCLP extrctn-vol of extrct adjusted per procd
SN See narrative and/or special notes.
SG A silica gel cleanup procedure was performed.
SC SW3640 clean-up method performed
SB SW3620 clean-up method performed
SA SW3665 clean-up method performed
RZ 4-BFB is outside acceptance limits. All other QC parameters in control, therefore data was approved.
RY Standard Instrument related QC exceeds the control limits.
RX Chrom. pattern matches std. but heavier hydrocarbs. also present
RW Chrom. pattern matches std. but lighter hydrocarbs. also present
RV Surr. recovery outside of control limits due to required dilution
RU LCS rec. within marginal exceedances, 3-4 s.d. around the mean.
RT Sterile Water
RS Gasoline/Diesel used as carbon source for degrading bacteria.
RQ Spike recovery not calculated due to high conc. of analyte.
RK Sample diluted due to high concentration of MTBE.
RJ Contract limits originate from BP LaMP Technical Requirements
RI The method blank contains the analyte at a reportable level
RH The reporting limit is elevated due to high analyte levels.
RG Estimated result. Result is < RL and > or equal to IDL.
RF Primary/confirm. results vary >40% RPD; res. may still be useful
RE Elevated reporting limits due to limited sample volume
RD Sample diluted: high level non-target analytes due to elev. RL
RC RPD useless info due to varying samp. wghts using Encore sampler
RB RPD exceeded method control limit; % recoveries within limits.
RA RPD exceeds limit due to matrix interf.; % recovs. within limits
R EPA Flag - Data rejected
QZ Sample collected in tedlar bag.
QY Quantitated against a Stoddard solvent standard
QX This test was perfornmed in the field, not in the laboratory.
QW Matrix is reductive; possible low bias in matrix/post spike.
QV Possibly aged gasoline.
QU Per EPA, benzidine subject to oxidative loss during solvent conc.
QT TUa = 0.0
QS Must be analyzed in field to meet specified 15 min holding time.
QR Reported from a secondary dilution (to get result on scale).
QQ Analyte found in travel blank but not in associated samples.

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